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Mercer High School
Full Day for Students: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mercer High School is open to students between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. To meet the needs of our students, we offer an array of academic and therapeutic services to facilitate each student's successful transition to post-secondary life. Our school provides a structured environment with a comprehensive curriculum and behavior management system to offer maximum support to our students. Physical, occupational, speech, and language therapies and individual counseling are available to students based on their Individualized Educational Plans (IEP).

The philosophy of the school is to provide comprehensive educational opportunities that acknowledge the diversity of the student’s academic, vocational, and social needs in preparation for the future and the world of employment.
At Mercer High School, we believe that learning is best achieved in a positive and supportive environment. Administrators, staff, students, and parents have the responsibility to recognize and reinforce appropriate behavior and to establish restorative practices to address inappropriate behaviors.
All students are expected to adhere to the four school-wide rules:
Be Prepared
Be Responsible
Mercer High School utilizes a token economy as the basis of our building-wide behavioral management program. in which students earn points throughout the day for exhibiting positive behaviors and following the four school-wide rules. With the points earned, they can move up through the four levels and gain more independence and privileges.
Mercer High School (MHS) staff works closely with local districts to ensure the completion of graduation requirements. MHS is a state-approved testing site and all students participate in either standardized or alternate assessments based on their IEP. Students are instructed in Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages.
Students are instructed according to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). In order to enhance progress in the general curriculum, students receive support from a reading specialist as well as direct instruction from special education staff who are highly qualified in the academic subjects they teach.
A variety of instructional methodologies support the different learning styles of students enrolled in the school. Individual and small group instruction are the hallmarks of the program. Students also benefit from a wide range of computer technology both to increase access and to provide error-free learning and consistent practice of skills.