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Joseph F. Cappello School
Full Day for Students: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
The Joseph F. Cappello School serves students between the ages of three and seven. Our mission is to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children classified while embracing a play-based learning environment that addresses both educational and therapeutic goals. Our building features a dramatic playroom, a sensory integration room, and an indoor playground. Speech-language, occupational, physical therapy, and counseling are integrated with classroom instruction to provide a comprehensive program of services. The instructional and therapeutic staff and child study team work with parents, sending districts and other agencies to provide an optimal program that meets the needs of each child’s IEP. The purpose of therapy is to develop skills while promoting success in the educational environment.

All students at the Joseph F. Cappello School receive physical education, art and music incorporated into their schedule. Activities are adapted to meet the developmental needs of all students.
Nursing and Health services are provided by two certified school nurses. In addition to routine care of children, our nurses may participate in IEP meetings, assist in feeding program reviews, conduct vision and hearing screenings, and maintain close contact with parents.
Parent Teacher Association
In collaboration with our parents, JFC has an active Parent Teacher Association. Our team is made up of a collection of JFC staff and parents that meet monthly. The ultimate goal of our PTA is to stay active with the school community and fundraise when necessary, to enhance school-wide events at JFC, such as sensory days and field days.